تسلمنا اليوم من مصادر تخصنا كشفا بأسماء الضباط والامناء الذين شاركو في عملية الفض وحصلنا على مستندات وأوراق هذه المأمورية المشئومه وأصبح من السهل الان محاكمة كل من لم تصورهم الهواتف ومن أدارو المأموريه من غرف مكاتبهم...
حصلنا على تسجيل صوتى لاحد قادة المجزره يأمر ضباطه بحرق مسجد رابعه
محاكمة من قتلو الالاف وأحرقو المئات لم ولن تكون إلا بعد عودة الرئيس الشرعي والمنتخب فهو الاحق بمحاكمة من أبادو مؤيديه ومن حق الرئيس مرسي إصدار قرارات دستوريه ثوريه لاتمت للقانون بصله لانهم بعد جريمتهم في رابعه أثبتو لنا أنهم لا يمتون للإنسان بصله
مرسي رئيس مصر شرعا وقانونا ودستوريا ولا يجوز إعتقاله نهائيا وما تم في مصر بسبب الانقلاب لا يمكن أن يمر هكذا دون محاسبه او مسائله لان وقوع مجزره بهذا الشكل وعلى أيدى أبناء جلدتنا جريمة لا يمكن أن يغفرها الشعب ونار أهالى القتلى والمصابين والمعتقلين لم ولن تنطفئ الا بمحاكمة من أطلقو الرصاص ومن أعطاهم الامر بالضرب ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
Fast (now) Mohammed Salim El-Awa. In a phone call to Sky News Arabic..
We received today from our sources revealed the names of the officers and trustees who have Charcot in the space and we got the documents and papers this ill-fated job and now makes it easy to try all of their phones and adaro from Commission offices obtained an audio recording of one of the leaders of the massacre, ordering his officers to burn the fourth trial of the mosque killed thousands waharko hundreds did not and will not be until after the return of the legitimate President and President-elect is right to prosecute Appadu supporters and President Morsi constitutional revolutionary decisions do for law The relevance of that after their crime in the fourth athbeto us that they do not have human onion Morsi, head of Egypt and legally and constitutionally final and may not be detained in Egypt because of the coup could not pass so without accountability or accountability for the massacre, and by the children of our offense can't forgive people and fire the people killed and injured and detainees has not and will not turn off until the trial of atalko lead and gave them a beating
We received today from our sources revealed the names of the officers and trustees who have Charcot in the space and we got the documents and papers this ill-fated job and now makes it easy to try all of their phones and adaro from Commission offices obtained an audio recording of one of the leaders of the massacre, ordering his officers to burn the fourth trial of the mosque killed thousands waharko hundreds did not and will not be until after the return of the legitimate President and President-elect is right to prosecute Appadu supporters and President Morsi constitutional revolutionary decisions do for law The relevance of that after their crime in the fourth athbeto us that they do not have human onion Morsi, head of Egypt and legally and constitutionally final and may not be detained in Egypt because of the coup could not pass so without accountability or accountability for the massacre, and by the children of our offense can't forgive people and fire the people killed and injured and detainees has not and will not turn off until the trial of atalko lead and gave them a beating
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